. .. . .. . .. Aio, quantitas magna frumentorum est.

Thursday, November 23, 2006

[insert clever reference here]

i may find it entirely unnecessary to introduce this, my premier attempt at blogging, but what the smack, i might as well. uncreative, yes. weak, possibly. still, here i am, with absolutely nothing profound or inspiring to say. i thought, hey, maybe i could just take a peek at other people's blogs to get some ideas. so i did. know what i found? other people's blogs. other people's ideas, thoughts, emotions. why would i "borrow" someone else's emotions? i have perfectly ambivalent emotions of my own. so i figure, start typing, and who cares if the words that come out aren't profound. so what if there is nothing there to inspire thought. its what i'm gonna write.

so take that.

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