. .. . .. . .. Aio, quantitas magna frumentorum est.

Thursday, September 27, 2007

on fish and windshield wipers

i feel like i'm always jobless lately. well, you know, in between jobs.

i would like to fly someplace soon. anywhere i guess would be great.

i'm drinking chai.

my car broke recently, but thankfully i have a truck to fill in. terrible on gas, meaning also on the environment and my wallet, but i'm learning to deal.
my truck only has two windshield wiper speeds -- fast and super-fast. today it rained hard enough to warrant using the fast setting without that horrible squeaking sound that the rubber makes when forced across the dry windshield.

the other night i went out for dinner with a friend and i had stuffed sole. i'd never had that before. fish good.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

on life.

feeling rage right now. little bit.

Friday, September 14, 2007

on felt feelings

i feel scared and young and proud and static. i feel loved and hated. i feel still and bustling and playful and small. i feel introverted. pliable. risqué. untouched. mature. right. wrong. everything. nothing. i feel pain and bewilderment and indifference. i feel strength. confusion. dominance. optimism.

there is still love in the world.
i'm addicted.

things happen. you just have to roll with the punches. brush it off, start a new day. the world is your oyster. oyster?

Imagination governs the world. - Napoleon

Saturday, September 8, 2007

on september

today it is still september. today i worked. on the yesterday of last week, i gave my two weeks notice at work. finding a new job is now one of the first five to-dos on my to-do list. although i'm not sure if i want one. maybe i should just go someplace. i'm not really feeling the whole "here" thing. i might find a new here. don't know which one to pick though. could've gone to school i guess, but it's now too late. too bad, because now i know what i might absolutely want to take. but i don't want to do school yet. i want to be a gypsy. i could do that now, i guess. looks like i might not have anything to do around this here by the end of next week. i should be a gypsy. yes. that sounds great.

as does cake and barbeques. and salami.

i think i'll just pick a place on a map and go there for a bit.

i think i just saw a guy with a scarf on his head.