10:30 last night we were racing go-carts. it was fast. they were fast. i drove right into the wall, bounced off, and did a 180, really fast, and it was great. better, actually, when i was moving, and not crashing, but always great. except today my neck is spasming all over the place. which is quite uncomfortable. baby belongs to a motorcycle club, and it were they whom we went with to the racetrack. because, as everyone knows, people in motorcycle clubs like speed. every time i went around a particularly sharp bend in the track, all i could think was, “i have medical insurance!”
on another note, ich liebe den schocolade. thats german.
major moment just now. i was listening to the beatles, imagine, when the bells started ringing perfectly in tune and beat with the music. ah, the bells.
on sunday we went to rigi mountain, near lucerne. as we rode up on the train at about a 45degree angle, i felt as though i would fall from my seat onto the passenger across from me. luckily, the passenger across from me was my heartthrob, and i was unconcerned. we ate in a lovely restaurant on the mountain, where the waiter spoke english. i have come to realize that there is no lack of english-speakers no matter where i go. as a matter of fact, most of the visitors to the mountain were in fact tourists, specifically english-speaking tourists. nevertheless, i often remain diligent in my german language studies.
this week i am left alone to my vices, as my lovely man has been taken away from me by the swiss army. only during these three weeks, however, must i entertain myself, as he is allowed to come home on the weekends. i am planning an excursion, but i shall keep the details to myself until the time has come to share experiences, and not just plans, with you.
picked up baby from the army today. as i was driving on the scary european highway, i suddenly changed my mind. no longer was it a terrifying place to be, where the cars, all driving at outrageous speeds, are clustered together in the inevitable vicinity of death and serious injury, oh no. now it has become a challenge, a race, a hoot. who can be the fastest, the most spry, hurtling through the other traffic, from one lane to the next and back again, over and over in a jumble of cars and speed and cautious danger. and the only reason they do it is because they can. what a lovely place.
it has been raining for two days straight without stopping. no wonder this country is so green.
baby's mother is charming. she telephones her amigos all afternoon. however, if the phone rings of its own accord, she responds, “ja, ja,” slowly rises from her seat where she has been reading or trying to converse with me, exchanging her broken english for my broken german, and blithely grumbles all the way to the corner where the phone resides and answers in a pleasant voice. she works hard and is happy, and i admire her already.
saturday we went to bern. we saw the old town, about 700 years old to be precise, with its buildings still intact and beautiful. in the old cellars, with doors opening into the street, are shops and cafes. on ground level are more shops and cafes with terraces out into the cobblestone street. the river runs right through the city, and there are amazing views from wherever you are. the cherry trees are in full blossom and their flowers are spread about between the cobblestones and in the grass. we saw the cathedral, which absolutely makes the skyline. it was breathtaking. it took over 600 years to be built, and finally it was finished in the late 1800s. floor to ceiling stained glass windows with depictions of literal holy terrors are on every wall. the pipe organs were the most impressive, though. the largest, hidden above the entrance, was shiny and brilliant, complete with angel sculptures and elaborate paintings. to climb to the top of the tower for an impressive view of the city costs CHF4, which i think is a touch ridiculous in a church. but nobody asked me, so it will continue, i'm sure.
it's still raining.
can't find a wireless connection to save my life.
forgot to mention the rock concert we went to saturday night. we went to a rock concert saturday night. a swiss band, who incidentally sings in english, called shakra. very nice, actually. i quite enjoyed it. something else about this lovely country – red vodka. wonderful stuff. very nice mixed with red bull – drunk, maybe, but not sleepy! good combination for a concert of this volume.
met baby's godmother today. very nice lady. speaks english. big family, this one. baby's got five sisters, two brothers, all of whom have spouses, some of whom have children, and every one has a godmother and a godfather. that's large. i have one sister. that's small. so who says a bit of contrast ain't good for the soul.
i have had no access to the internet for over two weeks. i have a list as long as my arm of things i need to look up stat. i'm so sad. i might go crazy. if you visit an asylum in the near future, don't be surprise if you see me there.
side note: it's still raining, but only outside.
in a cafe in aarau. posting. feeling relief. over and out. and lame.
. .. . .. . .. Aio, quantitas magna frumentorum est.
Thursday, April 24, 2008
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