. .. . .. . .. Aio, quantitas magna frumentorum est.

Friday, May 4, 2007

on curses and being hit by trains

i have no job.

this all began about two weeks ago. actually, it began about eight months ago, when i was changing jobs. my former employer had decided to close the shop i was working in, and therefore i was obviously not needed. luckily, i had aquired a second job (at the restaurant) shortly before this was announced, and was able to smoothly transition into only one job once again. and so it was. and it was all sunshine and rainbows (well, figuratively speaking, it was not sunshine and rainbows at all, but its all over now and i don't really want to talk about that), when suddenly, two weeks ago, BAM! i was hit by a train and i lost my job. well, figuratively speaking, of course. the bosses announced that they had decided to close the restaurant. so yesterday was my last day, which means that now, i have no job.

let's just backtrack a little bit here. in the past year, i have held two jobs. and i lost them both for the same reason. now, of course, i have begun to think that i may carry a curse of some sort. i'm sure it's just bad luck, but it is still a curse.

i'm very excited to see what happens next.


Todd said...

What happens next, I suspect, is that you find another job where you work for a few months before they shut down the business. Because that's what past history would indicate. And because you apparently have a curse. Or quite the run of bad luck. Which could also be a curse, when you think about it.

christy... said...

actually, i have thought about it some. it is a curse.